Tuesday 27 February 2007

Pictures of Birmingham in the late 60's

I believe this is a "Brew House". This is what a shared wash house was called in Birmingham back to backs. This one - taken in the late 70's was near to the jewelry quarter. I cant remember the road. Notice the sterilised milk bottle - or as my dad called it "bulls milk".

These remaining houses were at the bottom of Summer Lane I think. The flats behind were built by Bryants using Bison units and those on the right were built by Wimpey or Geo Stubbings. Notice the church in front of the houses. There is another shot of the front of this church on the site.

I believe those gasometers in the background are some of those at Saltley Gasworks - my father fell off one of those and survived. I am told this is Cato St - a road running parallel to Devon St in the Saltley area.

An old lamppost. Probably gas originally but converted to electric before ending it's life as a headless corpse. This was taken in the Newtown area off summer lane.

Above and below local lads playing on the cleared land in the Newtown area. Probably late 60's early 70's

An old corner shop on the corner of a street off Garrison Lane (on the left at the top of garrison lane near to Bham City football ground).

Above and below...houses being demolished in Summer Lane Newtown. In the background can be seen a new block of flats and the old George Lucas Factory

The old being replaced by the new. How long will they last I wonder? Again in the Newtown area.

This is the church contained in one of the pictures above. It was still in use as can be seen from the messages on the front.

A classic Birmingham gentleman's urinal - I suppose "pissoir" in France. There were many of these dotted about Birmingham. I'm not sure whether any exist anymore.

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